Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Notes of Summer in Cooper City

The past couple of weeks have been fairly quiet, kind of like a hiatus (oops, the pun is bad, I know). A couple of items may be of interest to those who try to follow the events of the Cooper City governmental folks.Good WishesWe all wish Susan Bernard the very best. Continues service to the city and in turn to the citizens of Cooper City should not go unheralded. Thank you for your many, many years of service to the city.


On the humorous side of things or tragic side depending on your viewpoint, the late breaking of last Friday that Mr. Elliot Kleiman has filed as a candidate to run for the office of Commissioner, CBWMD, against none other than Chris Fardelmann’s seat, I wonder if this is an attempt by Mr. Kleiman of self embarrassment or just a need to seek some sort of redemption of character. Only time can really tell. My guess is that the voters will probably not seek to place him in any position where once again he might shed some negative publicity on Cooper City.

The New Vice Mayor

Some comments on the new Vice Mayor. Oh, you didn’t know we had a Vice Mayor. Well, It seems that the newly hired or is it temporarily hired city attorney Dave Wolpin, Esq. has taken over directing activities of some of the city personnel and placed himself in the role of leader of the commission by actions not described by the city charter. Actions which replace the authority placed only in the elected officials by the city charter. I guess when you are a friend of the Mayor for a period said to be 18 years and are a neighbor of another commissioner, you get to take a few liberties.

Post Office

It seems there is a postal regulation that no postal facility can be built with USPS funds unless the property is owned by the USPS. Property can be leased if sufficient need exists. Maybe the city is going into the commercial leasing business.

Luncheon Caution

It appears to the casual observer that if you are invited out to lunch with Commissioner Neal De Jesus you will be departing the city payroll much sooner than you may have planned. We will admitted that this is only a rumor but forewarned is better than no warning at all. Brown bagging is not a bad idea either.
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