Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Notes of Summer in Cooper City

The past couple of weeks have been fairly quiet, kind of like a hiatus (oops, the pun is bad, I know). A couple of items may be of interest to those who try to follow the events of the Cooper City governmental folks.Good WishesWe all wish Susan Bernard the very best. Continues service to the city and in turn to the citizens of Cooper City should not go unheralded. Thank you for your many, many years of service to the city.


On the humorous side of things or tragic side depending on your viewpoint, the late breaking of last Friday that Mr. Elliot Kleiman has filed as a candidate to run for the office of Commissioner, CBWMD, against none other than Chris Fardelmann’s seat, I wonder if this is an attempt by Mr. Kleiman of self embarrassment or just a need to seek some sort of redemption of character. Only time can really tell. My guess is that the voters will probably not seek to place him in any position where once again he might shed some negative publicity on Cooper City.

The New Vice Mayor

Some comments on the new Vice Mayor. Oh, you didn’t know we had a Vice Mayor. Well, It seems that the newly hired or is it temporarily hired city attorney Dave Wolpin, Esq. has taken over directing activities of some of the city personnel and placed himself in the role of leader of the commission by actions not described by the city charter. Actions which replace the authority placed only in the elected officials by the city charter. I guess when you are a friend of the Mayor for a period said to be 18 years and are a neighbor of another commissioner, you get to take a few liberties.

Post Office

It seems there is a postal regulation that no postal facility can be built with USPS funds unless the property is owned by the USPS. Property can be leased if sufficient need exists. Maybe the city is going into the commercial leasing business.

Luncheon Caution

It appears to the casual observer that if you are invited out to lunch with Commissioner Neal De Jesus you will be departing the city payroll much sooner than you may have planned. We will admitted that this is only a rumor but forewarned is better than no warning at all. Brown bagging is not a bad idea either.
Those who have something that they wish to share may email us at If the folks at the 'Rock Creek cabal' wish to be included on the E-Blast List to receive special emails please write to us at the above address.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Recall the Recall in Cooper city?

Recall the Recall.
It has ended. Not to be left hanging the preps have one last message (read lie) to attempt to feed us. The recall is being withdrawn. Yes, that is what we are being asked to believe.
First, let’s really look at some of the facts of the petition withdrawal. We are being asked to view this petition process as one of benevolence. The process is being halted as it would cost Cooper City $110,000 to continue. The figure head leader of the effort had been the former commissioner Kleiman who had stated when he withdrew his support just a few weeks ago, that it appeared to him that the basis of the petition was in fact very weak and probably not founded on any real facts, only allegation or suggested supposition. This is after a resident of Cooper City, the Rev. Bob Sands took Mr. Kleimen to task on the concept of hypocrisy.
We have it on very good authority that he then received a blistering phone call from the originator of the petition action, the infamous if not notorious Lori Green, campaign manager for Mayor Debby Eisinger and companion while both were seen walking of the streets of Embassy Lakes knocking on doors to obtain signatures as the petition drive lost its steam.
With that in my mind we are being asked to believe that it is the cost that is the primary consideration for the withdrawal. (Cooper City has at least $22 million in liquid assets. Based upon the last 5 commission meetings, the Mayor has a dummy on either side, ready, willing and quite able to approve any expenditure that she may desire.)
Secondly, the time frame of this process was well known to all who can read (including the lawyers leading the pack) and some of the time line discussion by the backroom manager Lori Green is really just a subterfuge. It is simply verbal condiments added to the meal of a failed petition needed to feed the hunger mob at Embassy Lakes that so passionately drank the ‘Kool Aid’ of lies, half truths, slanderous and malicious attacks upon a Commissioner who did not follow in line as the previous group (Roper and Valenti, want another beer, brother) did in order to satisfy a political agenda of the power hunger and control freak Mayor of Cooper City, Debbie Eisinger.
Last, but by no means least, the truth that was being told by a few staunch supporters and ‘Thanks’ to a perceptive and thoughtful segment of the population of Cooper City who were able to see through the vitriolic rhetoric of the boisterous if not obnoxious Greg Ross, well known ambulance chaser of the more seedy Broward streets, the hypocritical commentary of (dismissed by the voters and discarded by the Mayor) commissioner Elliot Kleiman, and the tragically flawed arguments of the well meaning group of Embassy Lakes residents who had been sucked into the mob mentality without looking. They had accepted on faith, (ponder the pun) the allegations as truth based upon a false propositions of bigotry and anti-Semitism, propagated and perpetuated by the real source of this disgusting misuse and betrayal of Judaism, Lori Green.

We, the nonjudgemental and concerned citizens, hope the lesson here is ‘Look and think before you accuse‘.

P.S. It is particularly note worthy that many unsolicited comments were made by the residents of this embattled city that we live in a country in which the process is 'one is innocent until proven guilty'.
Kudos to the residents of Cooper City whose common sense and decency
brought this horrendous nightmare to end.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wanted: Dissent in Cooper City

Dissent Is An American Necessity

Once again the principle of free speech and the right of citizens to question the actions of their government are being tested. I.E., Recent Cooper City commission meeting and newly proposed resolution scheduled for voting at May 27th meeting. The general feeling seems to be that dissent is dangerous, that critical commentary erodes our unity and diminishes our resolve, that debates over the loss of constitutional rights is somehow a negative to the betterment of the nation. Perhaps such feelings are natural.
The attacks of 9/11, mystery illnesses, anthrax scares, and sniper attacks, as well as the outrageous larceny of some corporate leaders, indifference of political leaders and the stresses of high costs gas and other necessities can create levels of distress that can be unbearable. The tendency is to close down, circle the wagons, and lash out at all who may question. But real security doesn’t come from stifling debate or muting voices of dissent. In fact, dissent may be what we need most.
Dissent is the antidote for what social-psychologists call “group-think,” the tendency to rush to judgment. (Clearly demonstrated by the recent “witch hunts” disguised as city commissions meetings). Group-think can become a kind of herd mentality. Dissent is a guard against this mentality, a check on the unbridled stampede toward the cliff.
For this reason, as President Eisenhower once reminded us, we should never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion. A democratic society depends on dissent because, at its best, dissent is an act of courage, a real test of patriotism. The ancient Greeks understood this. They used the term, “parrhesia” to refer to speech based on moral principle, voiced by a speaker with the courage to speak the truth in the face of powerful opposition. Such dissent, they believed, represented one of the highest ideals toward which a citizen could aspire.
The American Founders also understood the importance of dissent, which is why they crafted the First Amendment. As the nation evolved, dissent became an important feature in all government institutions and processes, from Congress to the Supreme Court. Even in the executive branch -- the one most feared by the Founders because of its resemblance to monarchy and its tendency toward imperialism – even here our best presidents have welcomed and honored dissent.
Today we see government officials, powerful public figures, even our friends and neighbors asking us to be silent. Once again we are told that protest is bad, that dissent is divisive and un-American. That for the betterment and solidarity of the community we must become silent. But it is not. We must not be misled from a central truth: Free and passionate debate is essential to self-governance.
To dissent, to break from the herd, to question and offer in many cases an alternative position, is to celebrate American democracy with a ferocity that no one should attempt to suppress.Unless we let them.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A turn for the worst?

One of our sources who has been most aware of the internal happenings at Cooper City has forwarded to us this commentary on the last Cooper City Commission meeting. We respectfully submit to you the citizens and readers of this blog for your review and as always your comments. [Editor.]

Cooper City’s recent commission meeting may well go down in history as the straw that broke the camel’s back. The mayor, Debbie Eisinger, and her personal friend of 18 years, newly hired city attorney and puppet lawyer David Wolpin, may well have denied former Commissioner Elliot Kleiman and former commission candidate Diane Sori their right to speak before the city commission on any subject because she didn’t like what either may want to say. This ‘citizens concerns’ portion is a time honored staple of the Cooper City commission meetings and has been grossly abused by the friends/supporters of the mayor for the past year or more. That’s right folks, the mayor cut off each one off before (mind reader that she is) they were able to get to the heart of what they were going to say, pounding the gavel and pronouncing ‘personal attack, personal attack!’
Former Commission Kleiman was rudely interrupted by the mayor because he choose to reference the phase “N*** b****”, a phase which has been uttered by the supporters of the Mayor at least a couple of dozen times in the past two or three commission meetings, which now is being reinterpreted as a ‘bad’ word. My, we were unaware that the mayor has adopted such a ‘puritanical’ view. As a former commissioner, Elliot Kleiman surly deserved more respect than he received but more importantly, we would have liked to hear his comments in full. To make matters even worse, Chief Hale was commanded to escort Mr. Kleiman to his seat but Commissioner Kleiman, being a gentleman and showing the proper respect, walked away on his own accord.
In Mrs. Sori’s case, there appears to be no rational reason for the interruption. Rumor has it that she had something of significance to tell the commission and the people of Cooper City about Mayor Eisinger’s campaign politics. (The campaign financial final reports are now available.) The mayor must have suspected this and in fear of what Mrs. Sori might say cut her off in mid-sentence and remanded told her to sit down or Chief Hale would be commanded to escort her out. (Can one imagine what damage this mayor would have caused to the BSO staff and citizen by putting a well-liked police chief in the middle of her dirty work.) Thankfully, Mrs. Sori, a lady and out of respect for the city commission, chose to walk away so as not to place Chief Hale in an awkward position. The manner and the obvious abruptness of the mayor’s interruption does cause one to wonder what she was going to say that might be that damaging to Mayor Eisinger. We are reasonable sure that the citizens of Cooper City now want to really hear it.
Now folks, the seriousness of the matter here is that the mayor and city attorney may well have violated Elliot Kleiman’s and Diane Sori’s first amendment right to free speech and totally suppressed the long standing privilege and expected right of the citizens of Cooper City to voice their concern to their elected officials on whatever issues they may choose to. (reference the city agenda).
Most would believe this is a very serious a matter and are being advised that both Mrs. Sori and Mr. Kleiman are not taking this very kindly and are pursuing all options. We hope that they will pursue this matter to the fullest extent of the law not only for themselves but for all the good people of Cooper City who deserve better from their elected and appointed officials and who would be expecting to be treated respectfully should they chose to address the city commission.
[end of the submitted report]

The authors of this blog also share the view that the boundaries of appropriate conduct of the chairperson/mayor are capricious and arbitrary in light of the past year. The failure of the mayor to compote herself in a manner of the impartial conductor of the commission meetings as it relates to the total disregard for behavior of those whose commentary is of benefit to the mayor political agenda can only be described as abominable.
It is also note notable that the rest of the city commission did not speak up or even comment about the manner of the dictatorial posture of the mayor position, rather some commented on the political correctness of the meeting as though that allows for any previous egregious mistakes.
That is a little scary.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A post office at any cost?

Secret Real Estate Deal by Cooper City

The following is evidence of the secret real estate transaction being conducted by your city government in Cooper City. It appears that the money just recently announced as available prior to the departure of long time city manager Chris Farrell had been set aside by the Mayor for this purchase. Please note the date referenced in the email. It may be that Chris Farrell did not want to and refused to participate in this backroom secret deal and the Mayor and her two puppets, Generalissimo de Jesus and Jingles the Janitor Curran, decided that he must go. Hence the commission meeting massacre expedited exit. (Shame on your for thinking that the Sunshine Law may have been violated.)

The constant mantra on the part of the Mayor for the past two years that Cooper City must have a post office and her quest to provide Cooper City with that post office in spite of the constant rebuff from the USPS has resulted in the reprehensible acts of deceitful backroom deal in which it appears that more than one commissioner has cooperated with her and used the city clerk as the go between to make an offer to purchase the postal property.

If there exists a more plausible explanation of the events I will be delighted to hear it. In the interim the question is which of the remaining commissioners will have the presence of character to not only question what is going on but to ask for an FDLE investigation as to the intent to bypass the legal process and commit taxpayers funds to a purchase not only unauthorized but put together behind closed doors.
HELP, Somebody Call the Governor while we still have money to pay for the Call.
To the many families in Cooper City struggling to make mortgage payments, pay high taxes with homeowners insurance getting out of hand, paying a serious dollar on just plain water while the grass is dying, don’t bend over as that long shaft being carried by your city leaders is pointed in your direction.
P.S. Aranow where are you when you are needed?

Read On

Subject: Offer on the US Post Office Land
Dear City Manager Bernard: I was pleased to receive the offer of April 21, 2008 where the city offered to purchase the land at Stirling Road and 103rd Avenue. I have transmitted the offer to the US Post Office department in Atlanta. US Post Office want to cooperate with the city and in my verbal conversations with them, they have indicated that they will accept the cities offer with the following comments:

1. Price They will accept the cities offer of $3,969,000 subject to receiving a copy of the cities appraisal. They need to have a copy of the appraisal to justify the price reduction.

2. Paragraph 1.2 Closing Date. The post office would like to have a closing date of September 30,2008 unless extended.

3. The post office has agreed that they would grant to the city a CPU postal station. This is a commercially run post office which is small but I am told that they have all the capabilities of a US post office accept they do not have post office boxes. These smaller facilities can accept or process all types of postal packages, sell postage, accept postal business but they are run by private contractors. The Post office will provide signs for the space indicating that the facility is an authorized postal facility.

I have ask the post office to modify the contract with these provisions and return the contract to me and when I receive it, I will get it to you. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to working with you and the US Post Office to arrive at an acceptable contract.

Lloyd C. NorfleetPresident, SIOR, CCIMNAI Rauch, Weaver, Norfleet, Kurtz & Co5300 North Federal HighwayFort Lauderdale, FL 33308954-771-4400 Direct 954-489-4706 Direct fax 954-489-4724

See comments from the first of many views of the citizens of Cooper City.

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Iron of fist of Cooper City?

“The first sign of a dictator and the loss of freedom is the attempt of those in power to suppress the freedom of speech.” Anonymous.

It appears that at this time the "ruling trio" of Cooper City has a plan to reduce if not eliminate the expression of free speech and the abridgement of the right to redress the government.
Of course, this can be done now that the witch hunt allowed by the Mayor has fallen apart.
As the Mayor has no need to be responsive to the electorate as she will be seeking higher office in the county.
Stay tuned there is more.. much more to come.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Muddy politics revealed?

Suggest that all viewers visit Bob Normans column, Muddy-Politics, on the New Times Broward or for a really good perspective of the politics of Cooper City and the Mayor's view of how to get things done.

Monday, April 28, 2008

BSO Bulletin for Cooper City

The 'new' Chief of BSO for Cooper City per Debby Eisinger WILL be Jay Fernandez. (He was here as a LT and is now Chief at Deerfield).
We believe that he lives in Country Glenn.
Sorry about that Chief Hale you did your job under what should be called very difficult circumstances. Good Luck from all your friends here at Cooper City.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Takeh Shanda (Indeed a Shame)

Open Letter to Elliot Kleiman

Dear Sir,

We all are very please that you are no longer attending the Commission meeting while under the influence of alcohol. We therefore assume that your comments and subsequent emails are done with a clear and sober mind. This allows us to listen closely to what you have said and make a decision as to the truth of your commentary.

Alas, such is not the case. Some of your comments are obviously not accurate yet you persist in stating the same fallacious comments over and over. Let the real facts help you overcome your difficulty in telling the truth even with a clear head.

Your statements of the fact of how a blog works or is controlled is totally inaccurate. There are several variations of posting, comments and the permissions allowed for different types of blogs. Ask Joseph Marhee. He seems to have the process down quite well on the several blogs he spews his filth and to which this author has posted a number posting and comments without his permission.

Did Lori Green tell you that she and the Mayor were told just 3 days before the incident at the BSO office that the BSO in Cooper City did not consider the moustache on the Mayors’ picture was a hate crime? ( This is surly accurate as the picture in question had hung in the hallway of the Cooper City Police Station as recently as three weeks ago.) Such pictures have been made of many Americans politicians (most recently G.W. Bush) including those of the Jewish faith without any out cries of anti-Semitism.

Did the Mayor indicate to you that her attempts to get the ADL to become involved were rebuffed as the moustache was evaluated as merely political satire, (clearly protected by US Law)?

Did the Mayor tell you that she demanded that the BSO of Cooper City not, repeat, not investigate the damage to Lori Green’s daughters’ car but to be handled by the Ft Lauderdale office of BSO? I guess there was a reason that she insisted that her name be listed as one of the involved persons in the incident in order for her to claim that she was a victim.

Did you ask if there also was any direct connections between the blogs ( all five that were listed) and the damage to Lori Green’s car? There was none as if there were the BSO would have at least question some of the parties with other than a phone call.

Did the Mayor read to you the comments from the police report that Lori Green made when she acknowledged that the damage could have been a random act of local juveniles? You did ask why the police report fails to indicate that the tapes of all visitors to Embassy Lakes at all three gates were not reviewed to determine if any suspicious vehicles may have entered during the period in question? You live there don’t you know that?

Lori Green didn’t tell you that the blog she referenced in the police report was in fact blanked out several weeks before the 01-12-08? She probably got confused and meant to say the It is not uncommon that if your husband is a lawyer you are more inclined to stretch
the truth around as you don’t have to be really concerned about the cost of a legal defense for falsifying a police report.

Did you ask any one if they had actual seen the blog or the words “N*** B****” ? I have it on very good authority ( the authors of several other blogs) that none of the blogs made any anti-Semitic remarks and that a blog which advocated the election of the Mayor had that questionable picture and the added comment posted for at least 5 weeks. (

We at the are very upset as we had made many disparaging and disapproving comments and we were not mentioned at all. (Darn).

Lastly, we are very appalled that you, Elliot Kleiman, a former commissioner who was video taped drinking on several occasions just before city commission meetings which you vehemently denied and probably have seen the film of another commissioner video taped as being publicly drunk making obscene gestures to the police and paramedics who had come to his aid believing that he might be in need of medical attention, took no action what so ever, would have the Chutzpah to email the current commissioners and demand a vote of censure and a demand for a resignation.

Takeh Shanda

More to come as the days roll by.

Your comments are invited.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Caught the rerun

Regrettably, I was out of town this past week and missed the Tuesday night drama show “Cooper City at Its Finest”. The local critics said it was a pip. I asked around and did find someone who had taped it and agreed to sit thru it again and give me a running narrative. We didn’t do the workshop or the 20 minutes of vital business conducted. The citizens concern portion however was quite a show.

First, let me make this observation. There appeared to be more anger and vitriolic comments by the concerned citizens then existed in all of the blogs that appeared during the pre-election period. It does appear that much of the focus was on anti-Semitic remarks, hate mongering, and other negatives comments. The problem with sitting as a viewer was that no statements were made about when and what was said. I asked my host who suggested that much of what was said in the negative anger towards Sims was about the same from others as if each had been given taking points and permission to embellish them as they saw fit.

Out of the many religious leaders in our community who had been asked to attend a “religious leaders meeting” only two chose to appear. (please see previous posting.) Rabbi Pinny was quite informative if not right on in his comments regarding the “Holocaust” and its impact on Jews and many non Jews through out the world when acts are in some way related to that horrific episode. What seemed to fall short is that the ‘swastika’ and damage to an automobile has nothing to with Sims and the supposed hate filled blog. It is also of some concern that Rabbinical law espoused by the Rabbi while again informative hardly has any relevance to the issues of the concerns.

It appears that the linkage from the blog, Sims and the actual hate crime, swastika and auto damage, are all part of the same crime. Were that true then Sims would probably have been in jail or out on bond. And an arrest report would have been in evidence.

The most meaningful comments were made by Janet Gill. All those who viewed this tape felt a sincere compassion for her and her poignant statement and its impact.

On the other hand those who had a different opinion did not
question or attempt to defend Sims but rather simply said that there appears to be a rush to judgment and as such felt that this is not the America way and was not very good way to handle it.

Much to the credit of several calmer people the commentary directed itself to, “are all the facts in” and “let the legal system deal with any crimes if committed“.

Let this be made quite clear, all persons who spoke had the
right to voice their opinions. One would have hoped that the opinions would have been based on real facts not rumors, local legend, gossip or in this case the group speak that many seemed to have pounced on without any real knowledge.

I was struck by one person, an older gentleman, who spoke at the end of the evening who essentially pointed out that manufacturing facts, if done maliciously or by lack of concern for the facts, which creates an aurora of anti-Semitism can be a terrible crime in and of itself as it diminishes the values we all place on expunging the hatred of these types of acts, as we have all seen done by others who use anti-Semitism, racism and homosexuality to further a political agenda.

These comments do represent a view point but by no means should one construe that they are correct or the final opinion. This is such a delicate issue on both sides of the argument that I encourage all to comment.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A note worthy Comment

The comments made below first appeared on the Sun-Sentinel online edition. The authors of this blog were impressed with the directness, honesty and simplicity of the writer and thought it should be shared with as many as possible.

To "Remove Sims from Office":

I look at myself in the mirror just fine. I have a clear conscience. I have done nothing wrong, despite the mayor's supporters who tried to spread rumors that I had put the swastika on Lori Green's car - and she was sitting right beside the mayor's campaign manager last night.
I, unlike the mayor, do not have an agenda. I am merely stating the facts.
Where was the outrage when Commissioner Roper was arrested for drunk driving and then proceeded to raise an obscene gesture to the news crew? Why didn't we hear Commissioner Kleiman or the mayor demanding his resignation? Where was the outrage when underage drinking occurred at the mayor's house (on more than one occasion), finally resulting in a young girl's death? Anytime that subject is raised at the meetings, I hear all of you gasping in horror. The real horror here is that no one was ever held accountable for that criminal act. Where was the outrage over the dining and drinking on our tax dollars?
From what I can see there are 2 sets of standards in Cooper City. The mayor and her supporters have NO STANDARDS. They are free to do whatever they please. Anyone who dares to oppose the mayor and their antics, get bullied.
And, as I said last night, at least I have the courage to sign my name to my blog entries because I believe in my principles. You cannot say the same, now can you?
Keep spreading your hatred. That Peace Festival is really going to make great strides in healing our city. But, hey, it sure will look good on the mayor's resume when she makes her run for a higher office!
By the way, I sure hope our tax dollars weren't spent making all those copies that were passed out around the city in order to castigate Mr. Sims. I certainly would enjoy reading a psychological profile on the various players in this ridiculous scenario - two bitter and angry commissioners voted out of office - the mayor, reelected with the majority of voters AGAINST HER (my, how that must have crushed her huge ego) - and all the rest of you supporters out there who turn a blind eye to all of the mayor's faults.
Shame on all of you!
Sherry Ibbs

Friday, April 4, 2008


Alert! Alert!

Just received a note from insider source:
The Tuesday night Commission meeting is being advertised as the Call for Sims to resign. We have been advised that all of the Eisinger supporters will appear and deliver their message as given to them by the Field Marshall Lori Green. It appears that only the propaganda line will be spoken,(the actual details about anti-Semitic remarks will not be available as none have been reported. I wonder how one handles that problem?).
Item being pursued for additional details..
Look for national media coverage of Debby and her struggle with the truculent and obstreperous Commissioner Sims. National coverage will really tarnish the once illustrious image of Cooper City. Oh Well, what the hell, home pricing was headed to the toilet anyway, why not just flush it for the next five or more years. People will not want to move to this city for some time to come.

The Meeting was cancelled

Yes, the meeting was cancelled. Oh, you didn’t know about the meeting? Well, I guess you aren’t on the Mayor preferred ‘A’ List of supporters or a very influential persons in Cooper City. You say what meeting? The meeting of the religious leaders of the Cooper City Community. Yes, The Mayor has taken it upon herself to be the Judge, Jury, Priest, and Rabbi. Her continuing effort to discredit Commissioner Sims in the eyes of the community even though he was elected fairly and squarely by the voting citizens of Cooper City. While the democratic process did not meet with her expectation and as she said at the swearing-in ceremony last month, if you are not of the optimist club, (like in John Valenti,) then you must be of a lesser hominoid level, or words to that effect, I am not totally sure as I was vomiting in the restroom.
It is almost unbelievable but the Mayor of this small suburban bedroom community decided since she can not have her way on the selection of the new city manager, (the city charter says that the vote to appoint a new city manager the vote must be 4 out 5 in concurrence, and Neal had the audacity to present his candidate), then she must destroy another individual to secure her political objectives. Case in point, remember Eliott Klieman?
You see, the recent upset of Commissioner Mallozzi over the despicable manner in which Chris Farrell was dismissed has left such a bad taste in her gut that now she will seek to have a good effective and appropriate search for the right person. It should be obvious to all that the slash and burn approach of that delicate master of political ploys, Commissioner de Jesus, leaves a lot to be desired. It also appears that the employees of the city were equally distraught of the manner if not the ‘battle ax in hand’ severance was most unpleasant if not sickening to many loyal and conscientious city employees. Which brings me to the salient point, the Mayor reached out to the religious leaders of this community asking for a meeting on Saturday night at a religious facility (I used that term so as to not embarrass any specific group) apparently to discuss some sort of religious tribunal yielding a resolution or fiat, or decree to demand the resignation of the sacrificial commissioner, in this case John Sims, as Eliott is gone.
If my history memory is reasonably accurate this sort of behavior occurred in the late 1600’s in Salem Mass., they called them called the Witch Burnings and prior to that in Spain during the Spanish inquisition conducted to purge the country of the heretics.
Well, fellow citizens the leaders of the various groups contacted, exact numbers not readily available, being not only educated but intelligent and decent humane beings saw this for what it really was, A HANGING PARTY. Meeting cancelled.
Not to be left unsatisfied, the Mayor who is not one to give up easily, proceeded to alert the sycophants and dilettantes that the castigation parade must be formed for another performance at the next commission meeting. To those of you who are not up-to-date with this well orchestrated home grown (unique to Cooper City) procedure, it is to parade various citizens who are pre-selected and have them vocalize perceived problems in the tone of tirades, admonishments and otherwise fallacious commentary upon the Commissioner du jus, AKA John Sims. Caution to other Commissioners, Don’t turn your head to far or you will be thrown over the side next.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Is it hypocrisy or a deal ?

The events now unfolding leave one to wonder what may be happening in our fair city.
Our sources now tell us that one of the first acts of the new Commissioner de Jesus is to appoint the darling of the boozing set, the charming friend of police officers, both Davie and Cooper City), and the role model for the impressionable Commissioner Mallozzi is none other than Former Commissioner and Infamous Bart ‘Give them the Finger’ Roper to P&Z, Planning and Zoning Board of Cooper City.

It appears as though Commissioner de Jesus thinks that Mr. Roper’s recent past indiscretions so widely viewed on the local television stations in stories regarding dinner/drinks on the taxpayers tab and the DUI/Sleeping in your car in the middle of the street, are just boys being boys.

Ms. Mallozzi’s scathing comments of 1 ½ years ago directed to Commissioner Roper and the others on the commission now appear as very shallow if not totally disingenuous. I guess she wanted out more and needed some place to go, presto, why not a city commission meeting. At the time she seemed quite concerned. I guess after her election and a year of watching him in action (sobriety tests are not required for city commission meetings) and her gushing adulation of praise at the last meeting must indicate either a back room deal of some sort or she is off her meds again.

It should be clear to even the most distant viewer of city politics that the decisions of the P&Z should be regarded by the citizens and the commission as being in the vital best interest of the city. Any decisions in which Mr. Roper will participate will have to be second guessed as to whether or not alcohol may have had any influence.

The conventional wisdom is that all of the members of that board are persons of good character and that none would be influenced by anything other than good common sense, Gregg Ross might be the exception. It is the view of many who have been made aware of this planned transgression that rather than commit this gross misjudgment another appointee should be selected. We can only hope that sound judgment will prevail and that the composition of this important citizen’s advisory board will not be diminished by a rush to fill a position without solid reflective thought process.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Your Cooper City Commission at Work

The Cooper City commission is really out of touch. The writers strike is over. If you want to create a drama to entertain the relatively few people who can stomach the meetings you have truly succeeded. Based upon the comments in the Sun-Sentinel article online edition the last commission meeting has so confused the issues that no one can hardly get to the critical issue.

The increase in the BSO level of coverage is an issue that one would think is at least the most important singular one that effects every person in Cooper City. The restoration of the full complement of patrol officers seems like a no brainer which the commission finally understood and agreed on. The increase of officers was not perceived as something that was needed. It is as though adding officers would in some way create a problem of incalculable dimension. It only amounted to $200,000. Several election candidates had campaigned on it. The city manager had announced at the last commission meeting that $3.952 million in excess funds from the previous year was now available. He was supposed to tell the Commission that information within thirty days of the close of the fiscal year. To you financial types that means the city took in more than it spent, and it tried very hard to spend it all.

The drama of the night continued with a subsequent ‘love feast’ of adulation of some of the commissioners to each other and then gave way to a harangue starting with Mallozzi and her spontaneous version of ‘plagiarism’. ( So much for the GED diplomas.) This then lead to Bart Roper’s soliloquy of his fictional version of ‘The Dastardly Acts’ of his fellow commissioner John Sims. Hardly in keeping with Mr. Roper’s more than 10 years of commendable service to this community his final comments were disgusting. The nature and tone of those comments should bring shame to the record of this commissioner. This part of the show appeared to be a repetitive final act of the last three meetings. One begins to assume that this reoccurring theme has been planned and probably choreographed by someone. The facial expressions of the chairperson, Mayor and leader of our community pretty much indicates who the author might be. What pray tell doth that mean?

Well, fellow citizens of this once well respected community in the western edges of Broward, (other local municipal personnel are now calling each other with the latest about Cooper City Shenanigans ), ‘the game is a foot’ as the English would say.

One wonders, ‘What is it all about?’ Look to the underlying element, the ’Hiring Manual’ for the city manager. Yes, that’s right a hiring manual. The reason for the ad hominem, (personal attacks repeatedly forbidden and so conveniently overlooked by the chairperson) is that a proposal has been laid on the table. It is the work of a state government and others, modified with the permission of the state for the purpose of providing a specific plan to enable municipalities, such as Cooper City which does not have an HR dept., to have a working document to aid in the hiring of the singularly most important person in the city administration, the city manager.

Why the commotion? Well, the main reason is that someone had the audacity
to obtain and modify and prepare a manual to be used instead of using the vast expertise available from the commissioners who have had extensive working knowledge and background to draw from in the new hire process. (This would be only the second city manager hired in the entire history of Cooper City, the resigning city manager has served 27 or so years and at least three of the commissioners have never had to hire any significant executive or high level manager.)

I think Not. What really makes sense is that the Mayor who has known for quite some time that Mr. Farrell would be going one way or another, had someone in mind for the job and the last thing the Mayor will allow to happen is for the search for a new manager would reach out across the milieu of 27,000 or more municipalities and find the best available candidate for Cooper City. And we all know by now that the judgment of others, especially those who are not part of the Cooper City Cabal, should not have any part in selected the manager. It is best if the individual has been thoroughly vetted by the Mayor and the ‘King of Cooper City‘, her husband, and then presented as the preordained city manager. (Cronyism never seems to disappear.)

Yes, it is possible that the dots have been misaligned in the dramatic scenario portrayed . Only a careful scrutiny of the yet unfolded scripts can really tell us the egregious plan. Cooper City deserve and can easily afford a well qualified, experienced professional city manager. One who is not the chosen one by the Cabal but one who will begin to restore the integrity of the position and one who can provide the necessary leadership to the employees, citizens and commissioners in the years to come as the problems that this city may yet confront can only be described as challenging.

Keep your Tuesday nights free (viewing should only be on the older TV in case emotions become physical) as this could be an exciting if not exhilarating ride thru the pages of local politics as its very grittiest.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Closed door meetings are still a staple of Cooper City Government

Last Monday, March 9th, a closed door meeting (what?..there are no closed door meetings in Cooper City according to our mayor!) was attended by the city manager, the assistant city manager, our purchasing agent (whomever that might be), our police chief, one city commissioner, and several representatives of companies vying for the ‘red-light camera’ contract. It was a hastily arranged meeting, proposed the previous Friday afternoon, and set-up for that Monday morning. This meeting was done at the insistence of several residents who expressed great concern how unfair it was that only one ‘red-light’ company, American Traffic Solutions (ATS), was making a presentation of their product. Several residents who were very interested asked to be present at this meeting, only to learn more about the ‘red-light’ camera process itself, but also to monitor the fairness of the playing field between all the vendors. Unfortunately they were NOT allowed to be present, secrets being what they are and all.

Our sources (hey, we’ve got a mole...better watch your step!) tell us that the one commissioner present was very closed minded to all vendors except the one she (whoops, we don’t want to give it away now do we?) had a preference for. Our sources and the other vendors tell us that this commissioner was argumentative and just plain rude to all except ATS, her favored company. Thankfully, at the time this was going on, up in Tallahassee the whole criteria of ‘red-light’ cameras, RLC, their legalities and such, was being drafted into Florida law, so this Cooper City ordinance had to be tabled for the time being.

While we are not weighing in at this time about how we feel about this whole ‘red-light’ camera project, (article being developed) we will tell you that we are absolutely appalled how this process was handled. First, where was the competitive bidding process in all this? Unfortunately and unfairly, it was nowhere to be found. One commissioner took it upon herself (slipped again didn’t we!) to pick the company she wanted, at the exclusion of all other vendors with the same, if not possibly a better product. One commissioner personally decided what is best for Cooper City without the input of her fellow commissioners or much less the public. Hey, remember us, the residents, the ones who will be directly affected by this! The public was not even allowed to hear the presentations by the companies because this was a closed door meeting...public keep out! This is how our city is being run! I guess this says it all.

During the election several candidates ran on platforms of open government, only to be told by the mayor that “closed door meetings do not take place in Cooper City“. Well, we can tell you they do, this being a perfect case in point. ALL, and we mean ALL, significant city contracts should be handled during a competitive bidding process in the OPEN at commission meetings or workshops, where the PUBLIC is allowed to give their input and opinions, and where each company can have their products presented in an open and fair manner. One commissioner should not have the right to choose and push through a company of her own choosing without all interested parties being allowed to present their company’s product. This is a democracy for heaven’s sake, not the personal playground of a selected few.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Important Commission Meeting

[Received with a request to post]

I would like to encourage everyone to please attend (or watch on television - Comcast Channel 78) the upcoming Cooper City Commission Meeting this Tuesday evening. Following the last Commission Meeting in which the Commission voted to increase our water rates by 12.5 percent on March 1, with another 7.5 percent increase on Oct. 1, and another 4 percent increase on Oct. 1, 2009, it now appears that, upon the completed audit, the City Manager has found a 3.94 million dollar overage. There is an item on the upcoming agenda to amend the Fiscal Year 2008 budget; yet, we still haven't seen a year-end statement for the 2007 Fiscal Year.

We ALL need to become more involved, more aware, and more educated regarding matters which will directly impact our quality of life and standard of living. Let's not forget that the Mayor, Commissioners, and City Manager work for US, the taxpayers!

Sherry Ibbs

Friday, February 8, 2008

Cooper City Alert! Automatic Rate Increases

[Just sent to us from one of our sources.ED.]

Detail reading of the rate sheets reveals the following statement:

(d) Effective with bills on or after October 1, 2010 and each year thereafter, the City will institute annually an automatic increase to the monthly water service availability and consumption charges established in this schedule, to be applied to such rates which are in effect immediately prior to the effective date of each annual increase. The annual index adjustment shall be automatically increased by an amount equal to the U.S. Department of Labor Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers - CPI(U); U.S. City Average.

This means that your water charge can increase yearly anywhere from 0% to 5%-6% without a vote by your City Commission.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Your Water and Sewer Rate Increase

Now that the election in Cooper City is over, 4 out of the 5 commissioners have been replaced in the past year, the remaining commissioner/mayor was only able to muster a 48% vote for reelection with 52% of a record turn out voting for someone else. The a second commissioner received only a 42% vote with the remaining new commissioner receiving a breath taking 79% of the vote. Seems as though there does not exist a strong vote for returning to the previous style of city leadership.

Due to a change in the law regarding the election date and the date of assumption of the office there will be a period of 6 or so weeks of a lame duck commission. Commissioners Roper and Kleiman will be replaced with the new commissioners. However, they and the minority Mayor and the two already seated Commissioners Mallozi and Sims will be making decisions on issues brought before the commission.

It is of some interest to all that the ordinance for a rate increase for the Water and Sewer rate will be brought before the lame duck commission for passage. This issue was not perceived by the mayor or city manager as needing any decision before the election but is now being quickly placed on the agenda. It does appear that this was intentionally pushed back on the calendar/agenda for political reasons. One should read this as nobody wanted to answer to this one until after the election and then have it dealt with by the lame duck commission.

The rate increase ordinance which is listed online for all to see is much more than a rate increase. It appears to be a series of increases that will by all reasonable calculations increase the Cooper City water/sewer charges by 25+%.
That’s right a whooping 25+% increase.

This is somewhat startling as the citizens were led to believe that a huge reserve fund of $10.1 million which mystically appeared and had to be placed in the water/sewer fund in order to meet the W/S bond convenants and would help resolve the problem. A full explanation of the actual requirements has failed to be conveyed to any of the taxpayers or even to the Commissioners. (It is not in the backup material that is supposed to render this type of decision easier to understand and would therefore provide for an effective solution. So much for that idea.)

Based upon our interpretation of all of the facts as we see them at this point, this is a “rush to judgment” to jam a huge rate increase “down the gullet” (pardon the pun) of the lame duck commission.

We can only assume that all of the commissioners would want to take a deep breath before committing the citizens/users/taxpayers to such a large and possibly unnecessarily large increases without asking some really probative and important questions. In particular, Commissioners Roper, who for most of his term has been a voice of reason and has performed well and will depart with many accolades on his admirable service to Cooper City, and likewise, the departure of Commissioner Kleiman, should not be tainted by the political maneuvers of Mayor Eisinger, who very cavalierly dumped Commissioner Kleiman in favor of a newcomer with what some have called marginal capabilities. Cooper City should expect and is entitled to an appropriate conscientious turnover not a “dump and run“.

It may be best for all concerned that a more vigilant approach be taken by this commission in order that this issue be dealt the caution and do diligence that it deserves. It has monumental impact as the total increase and possible additional rate increase puts this on the level of a $40-$50 million agenda item.

Remember to tune in this Tuesday night at 7:30 P.M. for an interesting Commission meeting which will directly affect you and your every dwindling wallet.

BTW, you may find the article about Monterra at this link, , very interesting.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

[Editor: Below is a letter we received that we thought all should see.]

Although the Cooper City Election did not turn out as I had hoped, I want to thank all the wonderful people involved in the Lisa Conlon Dodge, Ed Wooley, Diane Sori, and Abraham Rashid campaigns. I feel honored to have had the opportunity to work with you for the betterment of Cooper City. I had the chance to meet people from all walks of life and the one common thread I found between all of us was our love for our town, our desire to do the right thing for all the citizens of Cooper City, and our interest in the democratic process. To our Mayor Debby Eisinger and new Commissioner James Curran, please recognize that the majority of voters did not vote for you. I hope you will keep that in mind when you make decisions which affect everyone in Cooper City. We cannot have more of the same. We must be willing to listen to everyone. To Mr. DeJesus, our new Commissioner, I hope that you will represent your city well, since you were fortunate enough to get almost 79% of the vote. Please provide the necessary checks and balances and speak up for those people who put their trust in you. Only by working together and recognizing the value of each and every citizen of Cooper City, can we begin the healing process and move forward.
Sherry Ibbs
5918 SW 114th Avenue
Cooper City, FL 33330

Monday, January 28, 2008

Is Cooper City better off today than it was 3 years ago?

Here’s what Debby’s done for you…

Participated in and refused to admit wrong doing or even apologize to the residents for wining and dining just prior to commission meeting with the taxpayers dollars.

Participated in unlawful discussions about potential city business in violation of Florida Statues

Refused to acknowledge any wrong doing and refused to apologize to residents

Taking actions that have caused the city to be placed in positions that it is now faced with a serious violation of federal law regarding religious discrimination to the tune of $2 million

Allowing city staff to exercise authority beyond their authorized position to cause such discord within the business community that legal action was the only recourse open to them

An ordinance portrayed as an emergency measure but in truth amounted to confiscation your private property.

Created and implemented an illegal boat ordinance which had been ruled by the US Supreme Court as illegal despite massive Cooper City citizens’ protest.

Voted for additional development for Monterra resulting in overdevelopment yet without providing for a school which will result in serious overcrowding
Voted against additional police and fire services claiming lack of funds in spite of a excess of funds for the previous year of $3.4 million and an unrestricted balance of funds of $18.5 million

Suppressed by veto motions to even discuss increase in city services.

Voted to increase salary of commissioners and mayor.

Using taxpayer money and city staff to express her campaign rhetoric in our “News and Views” which is supposed to only contain city business and is funded by taxpayers and could be a violation of Florida law

Used her authority to override the city charter to allow an unqualified candidate to be allowed to run for a commission seat.

Fiscal irresponsibility and deception by not telling the taxpayers that for the past 7 years she has been a commissioner and mayor, Cooper City has had an excess of income over expenses in the amount of $2.5 to $5 million per year.

Lack of fiscal oversight by allowing $10.1 million dollars in unrestricted funds to be transferred to Water/Sewer claiming it was necessary for W/S bond requirements.

Fiscal negligence by allowing the transfer of $10.1 million to W/S without commission approval as required by city charter

Inability to properly conduct commission meetings and blaming other commissioners who refused to be muzzled by arbitrary and capricious rulings from the chair to silence appropriate motions or discussion

Capricious use of Roberts Rules to conduct meetings in a manner that allows her to manipulative the agenda, citizens input, and discussions by fellow commissioners

Refusing to provide an opportunity for citizens to express their viewpoint at workshop meetings

Making commission meetings a personal venue for posturing her political agenda by conducting excessive school programs while citizens and commissioners wait until these almost personalized activities are completely

Using her position as mayor and chairperson to allow selectively verbal assaults on citizens and sitting commissioners contrary to stated rules on the agenda

Deliberate direct negative comments to individuals who have criticized the Mayor or commission action or commission conduct from the commission chair

Conducting her political campaign using half truths, positions put forth by other candidates and propagating the theory that those who offer a offer a different position are inexperienced and therefore dangerous to the community.

Political campaigning conduct using rhetoric that suggests physical and mental deficiencies of her opponents and fellow sitting commissioners

Personal conduct abhorrent to law abiding citizens by allowing underage drinking at her home which resulted in the death of a teenage young girl.

Flagrant violations of city ordinances regarding political signs including placement and size

Dictatorial manner of using a resolution to deny other commissioners the opportunity to place items of concern to them on the agenda for discussion or action

Approaching the opposing mayoral candidate Ed Wooley and Commissioner Kleiman who is seeking reelection that they would better serve the community by dropping out of the campaign, in violation election ethics rules

These are just a few of the most significant things that we believe you need to be informed about.It is our desire that you consider all of these things in your deliberation as your determine for whom your vote will be cast.

Please vote for those candidates that are independent and who will not be beholding to any on the commission or any special interest parties who have made large contributions to the Mayor’s campaign.

Voting for the Eisinger Trio will continue this type of city government.

It is your vote and you should make your voice be heard.

Save Cooper City from 4 more years of scandal and front page notoriety.

It is a place special and you can help restore it to Someplace Speci

please visit

Saturday, January 26, 2008

You make the Call

It appears as though the lawsuit by the Chabad could have been prevented.
That’s right this whole messy thing might have been prevented.
When the issues first arose Cooper City had a chance to reflect on the possibility that one of its codes was in error. Zemel, attorney for the Chabad, wrote to Cooper City Mayor Debby Eisinger and strongly urging that the city retain an independent counsel to ensure its codes comply with the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act.

However, our intrepid Mayor had another view and we quote Mayor Eisinger, who stated at that time to the Sun-Sentinel, “I feel that the city's codes are not discriminatory in any way.” Well Debby, a federal judge saw it very differently. The judge ruled that the city ordinances did in fact violate the law.
It is as we see it an egregious error that the Mayor, in this case chose to act as an attorney for the city, chose not to consult with competent legal counsel, did not attempt in any apparent way to look out for the best interest of Cooper City. Was this simply an error in judgment or was it the arrogant, ‘I am right at all times‘, attitude that we have come to know as the Debby Eisinger’s leadership style?
What makes this absolutely mind-boggling is that this series of events occurred in July 2006. After that as we have been advised no further effort was made to resolve this issue.

As one might reasonable expect a lawsuit was filed. At this point outside legal consul was contracted to handle this suit. What then transpired for the next 14-16- months is vague and difficult to find out. What is known is that the is that the attorney for the Chabad wanted to sit down with Cooper City to some how resolve this issue. (It also appears that the law required mediation in order to attempt to resolve this matter and Cooper City did not respond).
The recent closed door meeting in December of 2007, some 18 months later, of the city attorney with contracted outside consul and the city commission was also disappointing. Sources in the room have indicated that an attempt was made to silence the inquiry of the two commissioners by the mayor. However that was not to be and questions were asked and direct statements were made that indicated there were specific directions to resolve this problem were demanded. (Due to the nature of the confidentiality of those discussions and in order to protect our sources we are not at liberty to comment on them.)

Within a month or so items were placed on the commission agenda by the mayor that were intended to change the ordinances. Fortunately Commissioners Mallozi, Sims, and Kleiman were alerted to this deceptive maneuver and rejected making any changes at this time.

What appears to be on the horizon for the tax payers in Cooper City is a cost of $120-280
per household to settle this. We can only assume that the leadership demonstrated by the Mayor on a very important and critical issue to come before the commission, which could have been resolved before it reached the lawsuit state, and could have been resolved by meetings of the parties, was obviously a $2,000,000.00 failure.

Thanks, Mayor Eisinger. Oops, someone just handed me a recent news item that says Cooper City is being sued about excessive garbage/recycling fees. It starts out by describing how the city clerk has refused to meet with and discuss the issue with the business who are affected.
Holy Cow, here we go again. We wonder what this one will cost.
Let me ask you, Can we really afford to rehire Mayor Eisinger for another term?
You will make the call next Tuesday when you vote for a new Mayor.

Friday, January 25, 2008

A comment that deserves reading by all

ED. Below is a comment we received that we thought everyone should read.

SimplySherry said...
I spent a lot of time on the phone yesterday answering questions about why I'm not supporting Debby Eisinger or Jamie Curran. I went through each point with the person, many of which have been posted on blogs and those that I spoke about at the Commission Meeting Tuesday night. And, although the other person conceded that the Mayor, especially, has exhibited some very questionable ethical behavior, she is still going to vote for her because she has a lot of "experience." I then later found out that this same person who I'd spent over an hour on the phone with was going around questioning whether or not I may have been the person who put the swastika on Lori Green's car. Do I believe that the Mayor put the person up to call me and question me? Absolutely! Do I believe that the Mayor put her up to asking people whether or not I had committed a crime? Absolutely! The most telling part of our conversation was when the other person pleaded with me to think about the position I was taking by speaking out and warning me that I "didn't want to be embarrassed" in the community after the election was finished. I responded by telling her that I sleep just fine at night, that I have a clear conscience, and that I believe strongly in standing up for what I believe in. I see a growing trend in our society of looking the other way, of blurring the lines of ethical and unethical behavior, of giving a free pass to certain individuals because of their "experience." This is a frightening trend, folks, and does not bode very well for us as a civilized nation. I will not stop speaking about what I believe is important. I will not be bullied into backing down from my position. I will not be threatened into silence.
Sherry Ibbs
January 25, 2008 9:04 AM

Freedom of Speech

[The authors of this blog thought some readers may find this of interest. ED]

EFF: Legal Guide for Bloggers

Whether you're a newly minted blogger or a relative old-timer, you've been seeing more and more stories pop up every day about bloggers getting in trouble for what they post.
Like all journalists and publishers, bloggers sometimes publish information that other people don't want published. You might, for example, publish something that someone considers defamatory, republish an AP news story that's under copyright, or write a lengthy piece detailing the alleged crimes of a candidate for public office.

The difference between you and the reporter at your local newspaper is that in many cases, you may not have the benefit of training or resources to help you determine whether what you're doing is legal. And on top of that, sometimes knowing the law doesn't help - in many cases it was written for traditional journalists, and the courts haven't yet decided how it applies to bloggers.
But here's the important part: None of this should stop you from blogging. Freedom of speech is the foundation of a functioning democracy, and Internet bullies shouldn't use the law to stifle legitimate free expression. That's why EFF created this guide, compiling a number of FAQs designed to help you understand your rights and, if necessary, defend your freedom.

To be clear, this guide isn't a substitute for, nor does it constitute, legal advice. Only an attorney who knows the details of your particular situation can provide the kind of advice you need if you're being threatened with a lawsuit. The goal here is to give you a basic roadmap to the legal issues you may confront as a blogger, to let you know you have rights, and to encourage you to blog freely with the knowledge that your legitimate speech is protected.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Campaign Alert

Several things have things have been reported to us by our insider resources.
First to the Davie/Cooper City Chamber of Commerce Debate.
It appears that two of the candidates in the debate had the questions before hand and therefore had the opportunity prepare their answers before the debate. Specifically, The Mayor Debby Eisinger and Candidate for District 4 James Curran. We at first were reluctant to comment because of the sponsorship by the Chamber and the expectation that all would be on the up and up. Well, we were very disappointed when two candidates commented to our sources that not only was there a typed sheet that had the questions but also answers were printed out. It appears that the sequence of being asked the questions, the order of who would be asked first for example, was also provided before hand. But the truth really was revealed when James Curran stumbled in several of his responses. It seems he may have a problem in reading small print.
The tragedy of this revelation is that the majority of persons watching this debate would be hard pressed to believe that the Chamber of Commerce was involved in deceiving the public.
We are similarly in some disbelief and are in no way suggesting that the Chamber of Commerce was aware or participated in this act. However, we do believe that at least one person acting on behalf of the chamber was a perpetrator of this fraudulent act. We will leave it to the chamber to determine who was responsible and take whatever action they deem necessary. The damage has been done. The words have been spoken but the trust in the veracity and sincerity of the candidates now is in question.

The Flyer: The Angel of Rock Creek Strikes.

To those of you who are registered voters in Cooper City you either have or will have received a flyer from Angel Palank.
Ms. Palank as a private citizen and not running for any political office has taking a step many of us less fortunate would on more than one occasion have wanted to take. That is, to send a flyer to 9000+ voters in Cooper City and describe to them the inaccuracy if not the direct misrepresentation of facts that has been the pattern of a candidate running for public office. In this case the accusations of untruthful conduct have been squarely laid at the doorstep of Mayor Eisinger who is seeking reelection. The authors of this blog offer no additional factors regarding these accusations.
The voters who remember that period will judge that. What we believe is remarkable is that a person rather than turn their head away from these misleading and very condemnable actions chose to serve this community by reminding them of the past misleading statements. Of course, the voters next Tuesday will really decide both the veracity of the accusation and the punishment.

A different view of the reasons for seeking the office of Mayor.

A new perspective has been offered by the more knowledgeable political pundits regarding this mayoral race. Several who are close to the inner circle of the political powerbrokers in Broward county have stated strongly that this race may be the make or break for Ms. Eisinger. She has very deep aspirations for higher office and has been seen in the past as a possible candidate for higher office. However, the recent scandals, drinking and dining, Chabad lawsuit, and an apparent attempt to alter the ordinances leading to that lawsuit, and an obvious inability to control commission meetings have placed a huge question mark on whether or not such aspiration can be supported. Speculation includes a resignation from the mayor’s job before completing the term to run for higher office if reelected. Not a pretty picture for the citizens of Cooper City.

There are further items coming in on campaign funding sources and last minute desperation tactics which have been attributed to the Eisinger campaign.
Stay close and if you wish visit the first blog to appear about Cooper City and one of the two remaining blogs.

From The Authors.

An added comment is that the fear and intimidation tactics of the Eisinger camp in an attempt to shut down the exchange of opinion when the opinion did not agree with their view was not successful as far as this blog and are concerned.
We Will Not Be Closed Down Because of Fear, Intimidation, Threats of lawsuits, or the suggestions by the distorted and sick sycophants of the opposition that there exists some malignance in disagreeing with or opposing activities that are perceived to be detrimental to the citizens of Cooper City.

Do not believe that we will go away quietly or otherwise.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cooper City and Questions

This post was sent to us by one of our sources. It was requested by the author to be sent to all who may be interested. We thought it was worthy of being posted and hope you do also.

My name is Sherry Ibbs and I reside at 5918 SW 114th Avenue.

I would like to encourage everyone to think about the following when they vote on January 29th.

1) Are you happy about NOT being informed of all decisions made that affect Cooper City before they are set in stone?

2) How do you feel about the mayor having the sole authority to approve/disapprove items placed on the agenda for discussion at commission meetings?

3) What happened to the police investigation of a young girl’s death following underage drinking at the incumbent mayor’s home?

4) Why do you think the original projections for Monterra were much lower and why was it necessary to increase the number of homes being built? Who stands to gain from this overdevelopment?

5) How do you feel about the incumbent mayor’s involvement in litigation/mediation over land deals? It would appear that the original projections for that land deal changed – much like Monterra. Is this a pattern of behavior or merely a coincidence?

6) How do you feel about the television report regarding the drinking before the commission meetings and lack of any apology from our elected officials?

7) How do you feel about the incumbent commissioner going into a middle school journalism class to discuss the events of the news investigation of the drinking before the commission meetings?

8) How do you feel about the incumbent mayor using a Star Graduation at an elementary school as her opportunity to talk about the post office she wants built?

9) How do you feel about the incumbent mayor using an orientation for volunteers at a middle school as her opportunity to speak about the post office she wants built?

10) How do you feel about a candidate running for commissioner who allows students to smoke in the bathrooms at school?

11) How can we restore order to our commission meetings? A good start in restoring order to our commission meetings would be to elect a mayor who will follow proper protocol consistently, listen to their fellow elected commissioners, listen to their constituents, and have the interests of all stakeholders included equally, regardless of social status or special interests.

12) How can we avoid another lawsuit similar to the current one with the Chabad? We need to elect a mayor who will not discriminate against certain groups of individuals. We need to elect a mayor who is willing to admit their mistakes, who is willing to apologize for their mistakes, and who is willing to compromise for the betterment of the city they are representing.

13) How do you feel about someone who is not interested in following the democratic process, but rather is trying to encourage other candidates running for mayor and/or commissioner to drop out of the election?

14) How do you feel about someone who influences the questions being asked at the “Meet the Candidates” meetings, totally disregarding the idea of open debate and a fair playing field?

15) How do you feel about the recycling/waste lawsuit and the fact that Waste Management made a contribution to the incumbent mayor’s election campaign? Are you aware of the other special interest groups who have contributed to the incumbent mayor’s campaign?

These are just a few of the things everyone should consider before voting on January 29th. I hope and pray that other people are equally concerned about our elected officials finding a moral compass to lead our city.

Ed. Well said Sherry. We can only hope that others will take serious their
vote and think about these questions before voting.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Help Save Cooper City and Vote for Positive Change

Cooper City Insider Report Jan. 20, 2008, 9 Days left

The report is in for the recent debate at the east Cooper City HOA. It appears that the candidates are getting much better at getting their message out. A full report is available at There remains but one more opportunity to hear the candidates present their perspective on the problems of Cooper City and in some cases the causes of those problems. The incumbents and those seeking office will for the first time have to answer questions which this report believes will most assuredly not have been given to the candidates ahead of time or were received ahead of time. Which brings us to the following comment.

An excellent crowd turned out to the Embassy Lakes Candidates' Night with the expectation of hearing from the candidates in a candid unfettered manner. Well, much to the chagrin of the knowledgeable people in the audience the question were geared to the posture of the candidates. Neal de Jesus and Abraham Rashid were asked solely questions that were about religious organizations and their role in the community. While there is some validity to the general question it was obvious that it was asked to benefit Neal. It even brought out reactive remarks from the audience.

The questions asked of the District 4 Candidates were even more slanted and biased. What really blew the lid off the charade was a comment from a 7 year old who upon watching asked," Mommy, is that man suppose to be reading the answers from his paper?" The blatant manner in which Jamie Curran read his answers clearly indicated that he had received the questions ahead of time. Further, when one of the other candidates passed a note to Steve Marhee about the behavior, Mr. Marhee smiled knowingly and continued on without a hitch.

Let it suffice to say the Mayoral race took on a more egregious tone when questions that only Mayor Debbie Eisinger could answer in the affirmative were asked. Even the stir in the audience was noticeable. When confronted afterwards, Steve Marhee pleaded total innocence and claimed that he was simply reading the questions given him by Atlantis Management, Embassy's HOA contractor. Our sources indicated that Atlantis has significant ties to the Eisinger group, actually endorsing and supporting her not only as an organization, but also as individuals. What is of real value for understanding this patented betrayal if not downright fraud is; Steve Marhee is currently under "federal indictment for illegal trafficking in controlled substance", and his adjudication is pending. Rumor and we clearly indicated rumor, is that his plea deal will contain favorable letters from notable elected officials of Cooper City.(read Mayor Debbie Eisinger, Sen. Steven Geller and one other person, all of whom live in Embassy Lakes) Thanks Steve for clearly tarnishing the community in which you live and the many honest law-abiding residents. By your actions you have condemn yourself. The Mayor's excuse will probably be.... "I just held the questions, I didn't actually read them."

With the forth coming City Commission meeting Tues, Jan. 22, we can reasonably believe that the conduct upon the dais will be at least respectable. However, the knowledgeable insiders will be watching for Dennis Eisinger. Yes, the husband of our illustrious mayor. It seems that at the last city commission meeting where the passing of the gavel to the city attorney caused such an uproar that the proceedings had to be temporarily halted, Mr. Eisinger cornered Commissioner Lisa Mallozzi in a hostile, aggressive fashion and as they say "got in her face". Yes, you read that right. Dennis Eisinger literally feels that he has the right to confront and berate, in an hostile manner, bordering on verbal assault, one our elected officials because of his wife position. Well, needless to say this has caused a very distinct reaction on the part of those who witnessed or heard of it. One individual was so incensed that he has spoken not only with the city manager but has spoken with BSO Chief Hale, who advises that until a complaint has been filed no action can be taken. The chief has however indicated that he and his staff will be on alert and vigilant at the upcoming meeting. We at this blog take great offense to this type of behavior. Further, we condemn this behavior and we believe it really crosses the line of political disagreement.

Additionally, the Sun-Sentinels' endorsements and one recommendation, that is the recommendation and not endorsement, of Mayor Eisinger clearly indicates significant reluctance even for the Sun-Sentinel to endorse our Mayor. But they did so with the caveat that her 6 years on the commission gives her the 'experience' to lead. I can only assume that the Editorial board does not live in Cooper City and therefore has not had their hard-earned tax dollars spent on "booze and munches" and does not read the articles about the goings on in Cooper City with the same great embarrassment and frankly shame that we do. Please note: This same standard bearer of the great truths in our community, the Sun-Sentinel, did such shabby reporting on its own editorial page that it left out the name of Candidate Diane Sori leaving many readers with the impression that she is no longer running in the race. Upon being notified their response was "we will print a correction and do an article on the candidate". We didn't find the correction and we are not going to hold our breath waiting on the article.

In closing, the opportunity for all to see and hear the candidates will arise on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at the Davie/Cooper City Chamber of Commerce Debate at city hall which will also be shown on TV. We are expecting that to shown on the Comcast channel. The scheduled time is either 7 or 7:30 PM . Please look for it and tune in. The hope is that the questions presented will be direct, well crafted to the issues that face Cooper City and with honestly asked by the moderator.

Remember, it is your city. You and only you are responsible for the direction that it takes. And what we need now is for you to take the time and vote. This is the time for you to be heard.

Help Save Cooper City and Vote for Positive Change

The Cooper City Insider Report

The news from the SOE, Supervisor of Elections, is that almost 7 hundred absentee ballots have been cast so far in the election from Cooper City. While this number is not large it is staggering compared to the measly 20 cast in the last election. The number of absentee ballots most likely is an indication of the expected volume of voters. The presidential primary may bring out a significant number of voters. The question is; Does that help or hinder the candidates in the Cooper City races:

Some have even suggested that there will be some transferal from the presidential to the local race. While I personally would not support that view, some do. In fact, it is very interesting that Mayor Debby Eisinger, currently running for reelection in Cooper City, has hired a phone survey company from Alabama to test that very theory. Reports of these phone calls indicate a definite skew to the male voters as opposed to any other demographic sector. The survey taker will in some cases not speak to anyone except the male voter in the household.

What I find even more interesting than Ms. Eisinger hiring a survey company, is that it appears she has hired a PR firm in Miami to ask for, under, FIOA, Freedom of Information Act, the personnel records of one of her opponents, Lisa Dodge. This seems to me a lot of expenses, survey company, PR firm, and that’s in addition to the locally famous and very well paid, election battle Queen Judy Stern. Then again, the taxpayer’s generosity to pay Debby Eisinger if she is reelected, health benefits until age 65 (at taxpayer’s expense, estimated to be upwards of $500,000) for her and her family may make her investment personally worthwhile. Keep in mind, the mayor’s job only pays $7200 per year.

It is the view of the authors of this blog that much more needs to said about the facts behind the issues and facts about this election and the things going on during the election. It has become clear to us that many people have only been told partial truths, half the story, or none of the real facts.

For Example: One of the long time residents we meet with said, “The wheels of Cooper City government seem to be coming off”. When we queried him further he said, ” The issues of Cooper City that have brought these significant challenges needs to be fully discussed by the candidates and requires us, the voters, to really look close at who we put in office as they will truly determine the destiny of our city.”

One elected official has said the biggest challenge is to restore the dignity of and the trust in the Cooper City Commission.

Well said.

We are committed to researching, asking the right questions and telling it like it is with no sugar coating and no “once upon a time" tales. We have our scouts out and our sources tuned into the following issues: the Chabad lawsuit, the waste/recycling lawsuit, the use of city resources for political purposes, use of school age youngsters for political purposes, water/sewer rate increases hidden from the public until after the budget, (the mayor sets the agenda for commission business….click here to see the resolution she implemented that allows only her to approve and therefore "disapprove" any and all items to be placed on the agenda), and more.

The voters of Cooper City really need to take a look at many of the facts. Hear the others voice an honest opinion even if it is painful, and get the feel down in their hearts of what is really happening to Cooper City and then make their choice for Mayor and two Commissioners.

Please visit for more information.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Cooper City Insider Mayor Eisinger's Proven Track Record

Below you will find a rebuttal by a resident to a recent political ad placed in the Embassy Lakes newsletter. It is intended to clearly put the last several years of the current leadership of Cooper City into focus. A recent ad describing the Mayor's track record requires a definite rebuttal.
Mayor Eisinger's Proven Track Record (Yeah Right!)
"Successfully lowered taxes & increased public safety services."
Merely lowered the "millage rate" because the increase in real estate values have resulted in a very significant increase in taxable value, (residential values have doubled since 2000). As to public safety services, they have actually been held in check or reduced as of the 2007-2008 budget recently passed.
"Ensured all city development is in compliance with municipal land use plan & applicable regulatory limitations."
That makes us wonder why we paying zoning and planning personnel and what ever have they been doing at the fun filled hours at the P&Z meetings.
"Initiated the city's 1st Peace Rally promoting community unity."LOL
I bet I can raise a crowd of 50 people who would rush to a city commission meeting to challenge that theory. [Ed: She can't even maintain unity at the commission meetings!]
"Established a City Education Advisory Board."
I looked but did not find the requirement for that one in the city charter. Nor had we heard a clamor from the citizens for that board. [Ed: The Mayor also said numerous times on the record that 'we have no control over the school board']
"Successfully negotiated purchase of open space land for a passive park with Broward bond funds."
Great Job. Isn't that the deal that Channel 4 captured on film? NO, that deal was just listed in the newspapers as part of the story on "Law & Disorder-City Officials Dining on Taxpayer's Dime".
"Brought Adopt-a-street program to Cooper City."
Let's see, did that arrive prepaid or C.O.D.? No problem, we have $8.5 million put away for those kind of emergencies. (Go clean the street Debby!... Hey...maybe your buddy Jamie the Janitor will help you as repayment for your support of him!)
"Advocate of greater code compliance to preserve our property values."
This one really takes a lot of nerve to actually say. The reduction of personnel and the push off to HOA's sets a new standard of diminished veracity. [Ed: All in the name of taking away people's rights in exchange for revenues]
The ad then asks for continued support to use this experience and leadership to keep our community " Someplace Special". I shutter to think what that now says about Cooper City. The image that it had has been seriously damaged by the leadership shown by this Mayor and further tarnished by the flimsy excuse "I sipped but did not swallow". [Ed: or was it "I never swallowed one drop, I was merely holding the glass"]