Friday, April 4, 2008

The Meeting was cancelled

Yes, the meeting was cancelled. Oh, you didn’t know about the meeting? Well, I guess you aren’t on the Mayor preferred ‘A’ List of supporters or a very influential persons in Cooper City. You say what meeting? The meeting of the religious leaders of the Cooper City Community. Yes, The Mayor has taken it upon herself to be the Judge, Jury, Priest, and Rabbi. Her continuing effort to discredit Commissioner Sims in the eyes of the community even though he was elected fairly and squarely by the voting citizens of Cooper City. While the democratic process did not meet with her expectation and as she said at the swearing-in ceremony last month, if you are not of the optimist club, (like in John Valenti,) then you must be of a lesser hominoid level, or words to that effect, I am not totally sure as I was vomiting in the restroom.
It is almost unbelievable but the Mayor of this small suburban bedroom community decided since she can not have her way on the selection of the new city manager, (the city charter says that the vote to appoint a new city manager the vote must be 4 out 5 in concurrence, and Neal had the audacity to present his candidate), then she must destroy another individual to secure her political objectives. Case in point, remember Eliott Klieman?
You see, the recent upset of Commissioner Mallozzi over the despicable manner in which Chris Farrell was dismissed has left such a bad taste in her gut that now she will seek to have a good effective and appropriate search for the right person. It should be obvious to all that the slash and burn approach of that delicate master of political ploys, Commissioner de Jesus, leaves a lot to be desired. It also appears that the employees of the city were equally distraught of the manner if not the ‘battle ax in hand’ severance was most unpleasant if not sickening to many loyal and conscientious city employees. Which brings me to the salient point, the Mayor reached out to the religious leaders of this community asking for a meeting on Saturday night at a religious facility (I used that term so as to not embarrass any specific group) apparently to discuss some sort of religious tribunal yielding a resolution or fiat, or decree to demand the resignation of the sacrificial commissioner, in this case John Sims, as Eliott is gone.
If my history memory is reasonably accurate this sort of behavior occurred in the late 1600’s in Salem Mass., they called them called the Witch Burnings and prior to that in Spain during the Spanish inquisition conducted to purge the country of the heretics.
Well, fellow citizens the leaders of the various groups contacted, exact numbers not readily available, being not only educated but intelligent and decent humane beings saw this for what it really was, A HANGING PARTY. Meeting cancelled.
Not to be left unsatisfied, the Mayor who is not one to give up easily, proceeded to alert the sycophants and dilettantes that the castigation parade must be formed for another performance at the next commission meeting. To those of you who are not up-to-date with this well orchestrated home grown (unique to Cooper City) procedure, it is to parade various citizens who are pre-selected and have them vocalize perceived problems in the tone of tirades, admonishments and otherwise fallacious commentary upon the Commissioner du jus, AKA John Sims. Caution to other Commissioners, Don’t turn your head to far or you will be thrown over the side next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe that noose they found in the tree the other day was from Sims. maybe Eisinger did it!