Monday, April 28, 2008

BSO Bulletin for Cooper City

The 'new' Chief of BSO for Cooper City per Debby Eisinger WILL be Jay Fernandez. (He was here as a LT and is now Chief at Deerfield).
We believe that he lives in Country Glenn.
Sorry about that Chief Hale you did your job under what should be called very difficult circumstances. Good Luck from all your friends here at Cooper City.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Takeh Shanda (Indeed a Shame)

Open Letter to Elliot Kleiman

Dear Sir,

We all are very please that you are no longer attending the Commission meeting while under the influence of alcohol. We therefore assume that your comments and subsequent emails are done with a clear and sober mind. This allows us to listen closely to what you have said and make a decision as to the truth of your commentary.

Alas, such is not the case. Some of your comments are obviously not accurate yet you persist in stating the same fallacious comments over and over. Let the real facts help you overcome your difficulty in telling the truth even with a clear head.

Your statements of the fact of how a blog works or is controlled is totally inaccurate. There are several variations of posting, comments and the permissions allowed for different types of blogs. Ask Joseph Marhee. He seems to have the process down quite well on the several blogs he spews his filth and to which this author has posted a number posting and comments without his permission.

Did Lori Green tell you that she and the Mayor were told just 3 days before the incident at the BSO office that the BSO in Cooper City did not consider the moustache on the Mayors’ picture was a hate crime? ( This is surly accurate as the picture in question had hung in the hallway of the Cooper City Police Station as recently as three weeks ago.) Such pictures have been made of many Americans politicians (most recently G.W. Bush) including those of the Jewish faith without any out cries of anti-Semitism.

Did the Mayor indicate to you that her attempts to get the ADL to become involved were rebuffed as the moustache was evaluated as merely political satire, (clearly protected by US Law)?

Did the Mayor tell you that she demanded that the BSO of Cooper City not, repeat, not investigate the damage to Lori Green’s daughters’ car but to be handled by the Ft Lauderdale office of BSO? I guess there was a reason that she insisted that her name be listed as one of the involved persons in the incident in order for her to claim that she was a victim.

Did you ask if there also was any direct connections between the blogs ( all five that were listed) and the damage to Lori Green’s car? There was none as if there were the BSO would have at least question some of the parties with other than a phone call.

Did the Mayor read to you the comments from the police report that Lori Green made when she acknowledged that the damage could have been a random act of local juveniles? You did ask why the police report fails to indicate that the tapes of all visitors to Embassy Lakes at all three gates were not reviewed to determine if any suspicious vehicles may have entered during the period in question? You live there don’t you know that?

Lori Green didn’t tell you that the blog she referenced in the police report was in fact blanked out several weeks before the 01-12-08? She probably got confused and meant to say the It is not uncommon that if your husband is a lawyer you are more inclined to stretch
the truth around as you don’t have to be really concerned about the cost of a legal defense for falsifying a police report.

Did you ask any one if they had actual seen the blog or the words “N*** B****” ? I have it on very good authority ( the authors of several other blogs) that none of the blogs made any anti-Semitic remarks and that a blog which advocated the election of the Mayor had that questionable picture and the added comment posted for at least 5 weeks. (

We at the are very upset as we had made many disparaging and disapproving comments and we were not mentioned at all. (Darn).

Lastly, we are very appalled that you, Elliot Kleiman, a former commissioner who was video taped drinking on several occasions just before city commission meetings which you vehemently denied and probably have seen the film of another commissioner video taped as being publicly drunk making obscene gestures to the police and paramedics who had come to his aid believing that he might be in need of medical attention, took no action what so ever, would have the Chutzpah to email the current commissioners and demand a vote of censure and a demand for a resignation.

Takeh Shanda

More to come as the days roll by.

Your comments are invited.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Caught the rerun

Regrettably, I was out of town this past week and missed the Tuesday night drama show “Cooper City at Its Finest”. The local critics said it was a pip. I asked around and did find someone who had taped it and agreed to sit thru it again and give me a running narrative. We didn’t do the workshop or the 20 minutes of vital business conducted. The citizens concern portion however was quite a show.

First, let me make this observation. There appeared to be more anger and vitriolic comments by the concerned citizens then existed in all of the blogs that appeared during the pre-election period. It does appear that much of the focus was on anti-Semitic remarks, hate mongering, and other negatives comments. The problem with sitting as a viewer was that no statements were made about when and what was said. I asked my host who suggested that much of what was said in the negative anger towards Sims was about the same from others as if each had been given taking points and permission to embellish them as they saw fit.

Out of the many religious leaders in our community who had been asked to attend a “religious leaders meeting” only two chose to appear. (please see previous posting.) Rabbi Pinny was quite informative if not right on in his comments regarding the “Holocaust” and its impact on Jews and many non Jews through out the world when acts are in some way related to that horrific episode. What seemed to fall short is that the ‘swastika’ and damage to an automobile has nothing to with Sims and the supposed hate filled blog. It is also of some concern that Rabbinical law espoused by the Rabbi while again informative hardly has any relevance to the issues of the concerns.

It appears that the linkage from the blog, Sims and the actual hate crime, swastika and auto damage, are all part of the same crime. Were that true then Sims would probably have been in jail or out on bond. And an arrest report would have been in evidence.

The most meaningful comments were made by Janet Gill. All those who viewed this tape felt a sincere compassion for her and her poignant statement and its impact.

On the other hand those who had a different opinion did not
question or attempt to defend Sims but rather simply said that there appears to be a rush to judgment and as such felt that this is not the America way and was not very good way to handle it.

Much to the credit of several calmer people the commentary directed itself to, “are all the facts in” and “let the legal system deal with any crimes if committed“.

Let this be made quite clear, all persons who spoke had the
right to voice their opinions. One would have hoped that the opinions would have been based on real facts not rumors, local legend, gossip or in this case the group speak that many seemed to have pounced on without any real knowledge.

I was struck by one person, an older gentleman, who spoke at the end of the evening who essentially pointed out that manufacturing facts, if done maliciously or by lack of concern for the facts, which creates an aurora of anti-Semitism can be a terrible crime in and of itself as it diminishes the values we all place on expunging the hatred of these types of acts, as we have all seen done by others who use anti-Semitism, racism and homosexuality to further a political agenda.

These comments do represent a view point but by no means should one construe that they are correct or the final opinion. This is such a delicate issue on both sides of the argument that I encourage all to comment.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A note worthy Comment

The comments made below first appeared on the Sun-Sentinel online edition. The authors of this blog were impressed with the directness, honesty and simplicity of the writer and thought it should be shared with as many as possible.

To "Remove Sims from Office":

I look at myself in the mirror just fine. I have a clear conscience. I have done nothing wrong, despite the mayor's supporters who tried to spread rumors that I had put the swastika on Lori Green's car - and she was sitting right beside the mayor's campaign manager last night.
I, unlike the mayor, do not have an agenda. I am merely stating the facts.
Where was the outrage when Commissioner Roper was arrested for drunk driving and then proceeded to raise an obscene gesture to the news crew? Why didn't we hear Commissioner Kleiman or the mayor demanding his resignation? Where was the outrage when underage drinking occurred at the mayor's house (on more than one occasion), finally resulting in a young girl's death? Anytime that subject is raised at the meetings, I hear all of you gasping in horror. The real horror here is that no one was ever held accountable for that criminal act. Where was the outrage over the dining and drinking on our tax dollars?
From what I can see there are 2 sets of standards in Cooper City. The mayor and her supporters have NO STANDARDS. They are free to do whatever they please. Anyone who dares to oppose the mayor and their antics, get bullied.
And, as I said last night, at least I have the courage to sign my name to my blog entries because I believe in my principles. You cannot say the same, now can you?
Keep spreading your hatred. That Peace Festival is really going to make great strides in healing our city. But, hey, it sure will look good on the mayor's resume when she makes her run for a higher office!
By the way, I sure hope our tax dollars weren't spent making all those copies that were passed out around the city in order to castigate Mr. Sims. I certainly would enjoy reading a psychological profile on the various players in this ridiculous scenario - two bitter and angry commissioners voted out of office - the mayor, reelected with the majority of voters AGAINST HER (my, how that must have crushed her huge ego) - and all the rest of you supporters out there who turn a blind eye to all of the mayor's faults.
Shame on all of you!
Sherry Ibbs

Friday, April 4, 2008


Alert! Alert!

Just received a note from insider source:
The Tuesday night Commission meeting is being advertised as the Call for Sims to resign. We have been advised that all of the Eisinger supporters will appear and deliver their message as given to them by the Field Marshall Lori Green. It appears that only the propaganda line will be spoken,(the actual details about anti-Semitic remarks will not be available as none have been reported. I wonder how one handles that problem?).
Item being pursued for additional details..
Look for national media coverage of Debby and her struggle with the truculent and obstreperous Commissioner Sims. National coverage will really tarnish the once illustrious image of Cooper City. Oh Well, what the hell, home pricing was headed to the toilet anyway, why not just flush it for the next five or more years. People will not want to move to this city for some time to come.

The Meeting was cancelled

Yes, the meeting was cancelled. Oh, you didn’t know about the meeting? Well, I guess you aren’t on the Mayor preferred ‘A’ List of supporters or a very influential persons in Cooper City. You say what meeting? The meeting of the religious leaders of the Cooper City Community. Yes, The Mayor has taken it upon herself to be the Judge, Jury, Priest, and Rabbi. Her continuing effort to discredit Commissioner Sims in the eyes of the community even though he was elected fairly and squarely by the voting citizens of Cooper City. While the democratic process did not meet with her expectation and as she said at the swearing-in ceremony last month, if you are not of the optimist club, (like in John Valenti,) then you must be of a lesser hominoid level, or words to that effect, I am not totally sure as I was vomiting in the restroom.
It is almost unbelievable but the Mayor of this small suburban bedroom community decided since she can not have her way on the selection of the new city manager, (the city charter says that the vote to appoint a new city manager the vote must be 4 out 5 in concurrence, and Neal had the audacity to present his candidate), then she must destroy another individual to secure her political objectives. Case in point, remember Eliott Klieman?
You see, the recent upset of Commissioner Mallozzi over the despicable manner in which Chris Farrell was dismissed has left such a bad taste in her gut that now she will seek to have a good effective and appropriate search for the right person. It should be obvious to all that the slash and burn approach of that delicate master of political ploys, Commissioner de Jesus, leaves a lot to be desired. It also appears that the employees of the city were equally distraught of the manner if not the ‘battle ax in hand’ severance was most unpleasant if not sickening to many loyal and conscientious city employees. Which brings me to the salient point, the Mayor reached out to the religious leaders of this community asking for a meeting on Saturday night at a religious facility (I used that term so as to not embarrass any specific group) apparently to discuss some sort of religious tribunal yielding a resolution or fiat, or decree to demand the resignation of the sacrificial commissioner, in this case John Sims, as Eliott is gone.
If my history memory is reasonably accurate this sort of behavior occurred in the late 1600’s in Salem Mass., they called them called the Witch Burnings and prior to that in Spain during the Spanish inquisition conducted to purge the country of the heretics.
Well, fellow citizens the leaders of the various groups contacted, exact numbers not readily available, being not only educated but intelligent and decent humane beings saw this for what it really was, A HANGING PARTY. Meeting cancelled.
Not to be left unsatisfied, the Mayor who is not one to give up easily, proceeded to alert the sycophants and dilettantes that the castigation parade must be formed for another performance at the next commission meeting. To those of you who are not up-to-date with this well orchestrated home grown (unique to Cooper City) procedure, it is to parade various citizens who are pre-selected and have them vocalize perceived problems in the tone of tirades, admonishments and otherwise fallacious commentary upon the Commissioner du jus, AKA John Sims. Caution to other Commissioners, Don’t turn your head to far or you will be thrown over the side next.