Friday, January 25, 2008

A comment that deserves reading by all

ED. Below is a comment we received that we thought everyone should read.

SimplySherry said...
I spent a lot of time on the phone yesterday answering questions about why I'm not supporting Debby Eisinger or Jamie Curran. I went through each point with the person, many of which have been posted on blogs and those that I spoke about at the Commission Meeting Tuesday night. And, although the other person conceded that the Mayor, especially, has exhibited some very questionable ethical behavior, she is still going to vote for her because she has a lot of "experience." I then later found out that this same person who I'd spent over an hour on the phone with was going around questioning whether or not I may have been the person who put the swastika on Lori Green's car. Do I believe that the Mayor put the person up to call me and question me? Absolutely! Do I believe that the Mayor put her up to asking people whether or not I had committed a crime? Absolutely! The most telling part of our conversation was when the other person pleaded with me to think about the position I was taking by speaking out and warning me that I "didn't want to be embarrassed" in the community after the election was finished. I responded by telling her that I sleep just fine at night, that I have a clear conscience, and that I believe strongly in standing up for what I believe in. I see a growing trend in our society of looking the other way, of blurring the lines of ethical and unethical behavior, of giving a free pass to certain individuals because of their "experience." This is a frightening trend, folks, and does not bode very well for us as a civilized nation. I will not stop speaking about what I believe is important. I will not be bullied into backing down from my position. I will not be threatened into silence.
Sherry Ibbs
January 25, 2008 9:04 AM

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