Thursday, January 24, 2008

Campaign Alert

Several things have things have been reported to us by our insider resources.
First to the Davie/Cooper City Chamber of Commerce Debate.
It appears that two of the candidates in the debate had the questions before hand and therefore had the opportunity prepare their answers before the debate. Specifically, The Mayor Debby Eisinger and Candidate for District 4 James Curran. We at first were reluctant to comment because of the sponsorship by the Chamber and the expectation that all would be on the up and up. Well, we were very disappointed when two candidates commented to our sources that not only was there a typed sheet that had the questions but also answers were printed out. It appears that the sequence of being asked the questions, the order of who would be asked first for example, was also provided before hand. But the truth really was revealed when James Curran stumbled in several of his responses. It seems he may have a problem in reading small print.
The tragedy of this revelation is that the majority of persons watching this debate would be hard pressed to believe that the Chamber of Commerce was involved in deceiving the public.
We are similarly in some disbelief and are in no way suggesting that the Chamber of Commerce was aware or participated in this act. However, we do believe that at least one person acting on behalf of the chamber was a perpetrator of this fraudulent act. We will leave it to the chamber to determine who was responsible and take whatever action they deem necessary. The damage has been done. The words have been spoken but the trust in the veracity and sincerity of the candidates now is in question.

The Flyer: The Angel of Rock Creek Strikes.

To those of you who are registered voters in Cooper City you either have or will have received a flyer from Angel Palank.
Ms. Palank as a private citizen and not running for any political office has taking a step many of us less fortunate would on more than one occasion have wanted to take. That is, to send a flyer to 9000+ voters in Cooper City and describe to them the inaccuracy if not the direct misrepresentation of facts that has been the pattern of a candidate running for public office. In this case the accusations of untruthful conduct have been squarely laid at the doorstep of Mayor Eisinger who is seeking reelection. The authors of this blog offer no additional factors regarding these accusations.
The voters who remember that period will judge that. What we believe is remarkable is that a person rather than turn their head away from these misleading and very condemnable actions chose to serve this community by reminding them of the past misleading statements. Of course, the voters next Tuesday will really decide both the veracity of the accusation and the punishment.

A different view of the reasons for seeking the office of Mayor.

A new perspective has been offered by the more knowledgeable political pundits regarding this mayoral race. Several who are close to the inner circle of the political powerbrokers in Broward county have stated strongly that this race may be the make or break for Ms. Eisinger. She has very deep aspirations for higher office and has been seen in the past as a possible candidate for higher office. However, the recent scandals, drinking and dining, Chabad lawsuit, and an apparent attempt to alter the ordinances leading to that lawsuit, and an obvious inability to control commission meetings have placed a huge question mark on whether or not such aspiration can be supported. Speculation includes a resignation from the mayor’s job before completing the term to run for higher office if reelected. Not a pretty picture for the citizens of Cooper City.

There are further items coming in on campaign funding sources and last minute desperation tactics which have been attributed to the Eisinger campaign.
Stay close and if you wish visit the first blog to appear about Cooper City and one of the two remaining blogs.

From The Authors.

An added comment is that the fear and intimidation tactics of the Eisinger camp in an attempt to shut down the exchange of opinion when the opinion did not agree with their view was not successful as far as this blog and are concerned.
We Will Not Be Closed Down Because of Fear, Intimidation, Threats of lawsuits, or the suggestions by the distorted and sick sycophants of the opposition that there exists some malignance in disagreeing with or opposing activities that are perceived to be detrimental to the citizens of Cooper City.

Do not believe that we will go away quietly or otherwise.


Anonymous said...

Has your blog received direct threats or an attempt at legal blackmail from Eisinger's camp?

Anonymous said...

No, but the previous blogs did have threats of lawsuits made in the comments as well as implied suggestions to that effect. We believe that is the reason that those blogs shutdown.
Had direct threats been made to us we would have said so and encouraged them to sue. We are average types and would love to have nest egg.

Anonymous said...

I spent a lot of time on the phone yesterday answering questions about why I'm not supporting Debby Eisinger or Jamie Curran. I went through each point with the person, many of which have been posted on blogs and those that I spoke about at the Commission Meeting Tuesday night. And, although the other person conceded that the Mayor, especially, has exhibited some very questionable ethical behavior, she is still going to vote for her because she has a lot of "experience." I then later found out that this same person who I'd spent over an hour on the phone with was going around questioning whether or not I may have been the person who put the swastika on Lori Green's car. Do I believe that the Mayor put the person up to call me and question me? Absolutely! Do I believe that the Mayor put her up to asking people whether or not I had committed a crime? Absolutely! The most telling part of our conversation was when the other person pleaded with me to think about the position I was taking by speaking out and warning me that I "didn't want to be embarrassed" in the community after the election was finished. I responded by telling her that I sleep just fine at night, that I have a clear conscience, and that I believe strongly in standing up for what I believe in. I see a growing trend in our society of looking the other way, of blurring the lines of ethical and unethical behavior, of giving a free pass to certain individuals because of their "experience." This is a frightening trend, folks, and does not bode very well for us as a civilized nation. I will not stop speaking about what I believe is important. I will not be bullied into backing down from my position. I will not be threatened into silence.
Sherry Ibbs