Sunday, February 24, 2008

Important Commission Meeting

[Received with a request to post]

I would like to encourage everyone to please attend (or watch on television - Comcast Channel 78) the upcoming Cooper City Commission Meeting this Tuesday evening. Following the last Commission Meeting in which the Commission voted to increase our water rates by 12.5 percent on March 1, with another 7.5 percent increase on Oct. 1, and another 4 percent increase on Oct. 1, 2009, it now appears that, upon the completed audit, the City Manager has found a 3.94 million dollar overage. There is an item on the upcoming agenda to amend the Fiscal Year 2008 budget; yet, we still haven't seen a year-end statement for the 2007 Fiscal Year.

We ALL need to become more involved, more aware, and more educated regarding matters which will directly impact our quality of life and standard of living. Let's not forget that the Mayor, Commissioners, and City Manager work for US, the taxpayers!

Sherry Ibbs


Anonymous said...

"Let's not forget that the Mayor, Commissioners, and City Manager work for US, the taxpayers! "

Yeah? that's what you think. Commissioner Sims is the only one with any brains up there. Lisa Mallozzi is a loser and a traitor. She must have forgotten to take her medication Tuesday night.

Anonymous said...

I agree! What the heck was Lisa thinking? An "early" retirement package for the City Manager is crazy! I really stuck it to the residents.