Saturday, May 17, 2008

A turn for the worst?

One of our sources who has been most aware of the internal happenings at Cooper City has forwarded to us this commentary on the last Cooper City Commission meeting. We respectfully submit to you the citizens and readers of this blog for your review and as always your comments. [Editor.]

Cooper City’s recent commission meeting may well go down in history as the straw that broke the camel’s back. The mayor, Debbie Eisinger, and her personal friend of 18 years, newly hired city attorney and puppet lawyer David Wolpin, may well have denied former Commissioner Elliot Kleiman and former commission candidate Diane Sori their right to speak before the city commission on any subject because she didn’t like what either may want to say. This ‘citizens concerns’ portion is a time honored staple of the Cooper City commission meetings and has been grossly abused by the friends/supporters of the mayor for the past year or more. That’s right folks, the mayor cut off each one off before (mind reader that she is) they were able to get to the heart of what they were going to say, pounding the gavel and pronouncing ‘personal attack, personal attack!’
Former Commission Kleiman was rudely interrupted by the mayor because he choose to reference the phase “N*** b****”, a phase which has been uttered by the supporters of the Mayor at least a couple of dozen times in the past two or three commission meetings, which now is being reinterpreted as a ‘bad’ word. My, we were unaware that the mayor has adopted such a ‘puritanical’ view. As a former commissioner, Elliot Kleiman surly deserved more respect than he received but more importantly, we would have liked to hear his comments in full. To make matters even worse, Chief Hale was commanded to escort Mr. Kleiman to his seat but Commissioner Kleiman, being a gentleman and showing the proper respect, walked away on his own accord.
In Mrs. Sori’s case, there appears to be no rational reason for the interruption. Rumor has it that she had something of significance to tell the commission and the people of Cooper City about Mayor Eisinger’s campaign politics. (The campaign financial final reports are now available.) The mayor must have suspected this and in fear of what Mrs. Sori might say cut her off in mid-sentence and remanded told her to sit down or Chief Hale would be commanded to escort her out. (Can one imagine what damage this mayor would have caused to the BSO staff and citizen by putting a well-liked police chief in the middle of her dirty work.) Thankfully, Mrs. Sori, a lady and out of respect for the city commission, chose to walk away so as not to place Chief Hale in an awkward position. The manner and the obvious abruptness of the mayor’s interruption does cause one to wonder what she was going to say that might be that damaging to Mayor Eisinger. We are reasonable sure that the citizens of Cooper City now want to really hear it.
Now folks, the seriousness of the matter here is that the mayor and city attorney may well have violated Elliot Kleiman’s and Diane Sori’s first amendment right to free speech and totally suppressed the long standing privilege and expected right of the citizens of Cooper City to voice their concern to their elected officials on whatever issues they may choose to. (reference the city agenda).
Most would believe this is a very serious a matter and are being advised that both Mrs. Sori and Mr. Kleiman are not taking this very kindly and are pursuing all options. We hope that they will pursue this matter to the fullest extent of the law not only for themselves but for all the good people of Cooper City who deserve better from their elected and appointed officials and who would be expecting to be treated respectfully should they chose to address the city commission.
[end of the submitted report]

The authors of this blog also share the view that the boundaries of appropriate conduct of the chairperson/mayor are capricious and arbitrary in light of the past year. The failure of the mayor to compote herself in a manner of the impartial conductor of the commission meetings as it relates to the total disregard for behavior of those whose commentary is of benefit to the mayor political agenda can only be described as abominable.
It is also note notable that the rest of the city commission did not speak up or even comment about the manner of the dictatorial posture of the mayor position, rather some commented on the political correctness of the meeting as though that allows for any previous egregious mistakes.
That is a little scary.


Anonymous said...

It's about time somebody shut that senile old moron Elliot up!

Anonymous said...

Wow, a great blog! Why haven't I heard of this one before? I bet they will accuse Commissioner Sims of owning this one also. Time for Debby to go. How about a recall against her for all of the things she has done?